Business / Latest news

P2P startups feel the heat, as big boys enter fray

[2015-08-14 09:44]

China's budding online finance sector is making serious inroads into the territory of more established financial services institutions, raising eyebrows almost daily with new ventures, new business models, record-breaking valuations, and of course, new bankruptcies.

Beijing 2022 can be springboard to greener future

[2015-08-13 09:49]

By winning the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics, China's efforts at cleaning up its skies for good will take center stage, and act as a springboard for its renewable energy industry.

Scotch in urgent need of a creative twist

[2015-08-12 14:01]

Recent estimates suggest that China's favorite tipple, baijiu, still accounts for 80-plus percent of the liquor market in China. Whisky, of all kinds, contributes 6 percent, brandy and cognac 9 percent, with vodka, gin, rum, tequila, and liqueurs combined, the rest.

Want to learn a skill fast? Download a video lesson

[2015-08-11 08:00]

Golf is a difficult game to learn. Whether a beginner or advanced player, most of us have booked lessons from pros at some point.

Investors need to know more, and well in advance

[2015-08-06 11:23]

Early information has always been the investors' most powerful weapon in monitoring stock markets.

Online financial services making the difference

[2015-08-05 10:16]

The proliferation of smartphones and mobile banking technology have enabled us to virtually carry a bank in our pockets. It has changed the way people manage their daily financial transactions.

Expect more free sport on your mobile, but not for long

[2015-08-04 08:10]

Traditional Chinese online video content providers such as LeTV have been quick to see the potential of tapping into China's increasing number of sports fans, who are now turning in their millions to watching via mobile.

For priests of high fashion, offline is better than online

[2015-07-31 10:28]

I was told it was a new boutique store, offering medium- to high-end men's fashion.

Women need to break down the gender barriers

[2015-07-30 08:07]

Picture a highly educated woman who can speak several languages fluently. She has lived in a handful of countries and has worked in the same profession for nearly a decade.

From nervy taxi-user, to car-hailing convert

[2015-07-29 14:06]

When I was little my "tiger mother" told me traumatic stories about how young girls who got into strangers' cars ended up being kidnapped, losing a kidney, or even being killed.

Market success is a lesson in human psychology

[2015-07-24 08:09]

On the night of July 8, talking with colleagues on the social networking platform of WeChat, I confidently predicted the stock market would rebound the following day.

Why beef farmers struggle to cope, despite rising demand

[2015-07-23 08:48]

My mother recently spent nearly 100 yuan ($16) on half a kilogram of fresh beef tenderloin in a local market, but after cooking it, she found it was far from tender.

Every step you take, every move you make, it's watching you

[2015-07-22 08:28]

WeChat's daily step-counting service is driving my girlfriend crazy.

Bad market times call for disciplined investing

[2015-07-21 08:34]

Several weeks ago, when the Chinese stock market rally was at its peak, everybody was probably laughing at me.

Fair wind blowing strong for startups in China

[2015-07-16 08:36]

It's the question I face most often from my peers: "What's really driving the Chinese economy?"

Market rout offers valuable lessons in open economy

[2015-07-15 08:15]

If a sports game is affected by a sudden downpour, it is the referee's job to announce a halt of the competition.

Weighing up the costs of buying your own home

[2015-07-14 07:37]

China's property market is warming up again in first-tier cities.

Vocational colleges struggling despite market demand

[2015-07-10 07:45]

A little-known college in Central China has made national headlines after it drew recruiters from more than 180 companies, while shutting the door on another 40 at a recent campus job fair.

High time nation reduced its appetite for debt

[2015-07-09 07:58]

Two recent announcements, both representing further uncharted financial territory for China, set off alarm bells for me.

O2O market needs more than novel concepts

[2015-07-07 08:25]

Sometimes too much technology can kill one's appetite for food.
