Protecting while shooting
By YANG CHENG (China Daily)
Updated: 2006-08-14 06:33

Famous Phoenix TV personality Ke Lan won a lawsuit recently. Her criticism over a film that she starred in was seen as justified.

She headed the cast of a recently completed film called "Shocked at Shennongjia." The Shennongjia area, located in Central China's Hubei Province, is known for its unique and pristine natural scenery and rare animals that enjoy undisturbed lives.

Famous Phoenix TV personality Ke Lan told journalists that "Shocked at Shennongjia" and "Qingtian Dasheng" harmed biological environment in Shennongjia, Central China's Hubei Province, while being shot at Shanghai International Film Festival in June 2006. []
Shooting in the core area of the important nature reserve, which was not approved by related government authorities, has damaged local flora and fauna, Ke proclaimed.

Although her honest remarks will lead to the film being tainted by a bad reputation before it has even been shown, Ke bravely told the media the "shocking" truth about the making of the film.

"The film crew were doing evil and I served as an 'accomplice'," She said during the annual Shanghai International Film Festival in June.

The film makers and investors the China Film Group and the Hubei Provincial Culture Bureau, then jointly sued Ke for defamation and causing huge economic losses, and asked for compensation of 2 million yuan (US$125,000).

The court said Ke's remarks were based on facts and her assessment was based on her values, and thus she won the lawsuit.

"Shocked at Shennongjia" is not the only such case in China. Besides this film, Ke also accused the film "Qingtian Dasheng" of harming the peaceful biological environment in Shennongjia by cutting down trees.

Just one month before Ke made the remarks, the blockbuster film "Promise" was criticized for breaking its promise on protecting biology in Bigu Tianchi in Shangri-la in Yunnan Province, a dream-like scenic area in China.

Besides, the film crew painted the leaves of some 60 trees yellow in Yuanmingyuan Park, arousing nationwide concern and public indignation.

After the exposure of the irresponsible deeds by the film crew, China has strengthened its control on shooting films in scenic areas.

Without permission from related government departments, no filming can be done in scenic areas, warned Qiu Baoxing, vice-minister of construction.
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