Sinopec to step up oil search and development

Updated: 2007-01-05 14:33

China PetroChemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp) will make the search for and the development of resources a priority in 2007, senior Sinopec executives said recently.

Chen Tonghai, President and chairman of the Board of Directors of Sinopec Corp, said at a conference held last week that the oil giant will step up efforts in oil and gas exploration and development in 2007.

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According to pre-audit figures, Sinopec produced over 40 million tons of crude oil and seven billion cubic meters of natural gas in 2006.

The company exceeded its 2006 profit targets, said Chen Tonghai.

Sinopec saw its proven reserves of crude oil grow by 45 million tons in 2006 and natural gas proven reserves increase by 73.9 billion cubic meters.

Li Chunguang, vice president of Sinopec, said at the conference that the company will be more active in bidding for oil or gas exploration ventures and in acquiring high-quality overseas oil assets.

More effort will be focused on developing, operating and managing overseas projects in 2007, said Li.

Sinopec saw its overseas crude oil output reach 4.5 million tons in 2006, making up 11 percent of the company's total crude oil output and up 20 percent on a year ago.

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