BIZCHINA> Logistics China
Logistics sector continues to grow
By Xie Qi (
Updated: 2007-04-25 09:51


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The logistics industry in China is developing at a stable pace. In 2007, the total increase in logistics has developed at a faster rate than the service industry andgross domestic product(GDP). 

According to statistics from theNational Development and Reform Commission, National Bureau of Statistics and China Logistics Alliance Network, the Chinese logistics industry rose 12.5 per cent last year, accounting for 17.1 per cent of the total increase in the service industry.

The ratio of complete logistics' cost to the national GDP decreased to 18.3 per cent from 18.5 per cent in 2005. These statistics show the industry's steady growth in China. By adding more updated services, higher profits will follow.


The full text is available in the April Issue of Logistics China.

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