
Profits of China's industrial firms up 34.3% Jan-Feb

Updated: 2011-03-28 10:04
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Profits of China's industrial enterprises rose 34.3 percent year on year to 645.5 billion yuan ($97.8 billion) in the first two months this year, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said Sunday.

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Profits of China's industrial firms up 34.3% Jan-Feb China's industrial profit up 81.6% in Jan-May
Profits of China's industrial firms up 34.3% Jan-Feb Industrial profit tops $100b in Q1 

The main business sales revenue of the industrial enterprises of scale -- referring to enterprises with annual primary business sales revenue exceeding 20 million yuan each, instead of the previously used threshold of 5 million yuan -- climbed 31 percent from one year earlier to 10.7 trillion yuan in the January-February period, the NBS said.
