Business / Companies

Q+A | Gillian Drakeford

(China Daily) Updated: 2012-02-16 07:57

Q: What is your favorite retail store in China?

A: I am not a big shopper. I would not say there is one store that I really, really like on its own. Of course, I love Ikea, I love the range, environment and I really feel you are a part of it. I like an environment with lots of people. I do not like stores that have an elite environment. I very much like the fabric market in Shanghai. I like to visit Dongtailu Antique Market in Shanghai.

What was the first city on the Chinese mainland you visited?

I visited Shenzhen and several other cities from Hong Kong in 1999.

What was your first impression of China?

There are a lot of people in a small space. I love the curiosity of Chinese people. If you smile at somebody, you will get a smile back and you always get a warm feeling.

What don't you like about the country?

I love people, but there are some days I feel there are too many. But if I am in my home in the country, there are things I do not like either. Sometimes I am challenged by different behavior. I come from a nation where everybody knows how to queue from birth. I think it is a culture thing. I think when people live in somebody else's culture, it is important to view it from the point of view of privilege. You can have opinions but you need to have respect.

What is your favorite food in China?

Peking duck, scrambled eggs with tomato, kung pao chicken and dry-fired snap beans with minced pork, jiaozi and baozi. I eat a lot of Chinese food but I do not cook Chinese food at home.

What is your motto?

You need to have fun at work and you need to enjoy it. If you do not enjoy it any more, you should not do it.

China Daily

(China Daily 02/16/2012 page14)

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