Business / Economy

Maritime Silk Road offers new opportunity for China-Vietnam cooperation

(Xinhua) Updated: 2015-04-08 16:03

BEIJING - The ongoing China visit by Nguyen Phu Trong, general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam, has sounded an upbeat note for bilateral ties, with the two sides reemphasizing their traditional friendship and the will to further promote it.

In the past 65 years since the two countries established diplomatic ties, their relations have generally been moving ahead on the track of friendship and cooperation, despite various twists and turns.

Their interaction has eloquently proved that as long as they adhere to the principle of mutual respect and friendly consultation and keep potential consequences of their actions in mind, they can resolve their differences and remain good neighbors.

To the disappointment of those gloating over the slightest discord between the two Asian neighbors, Tuesday's talks between Trong and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, who is also Chinese president, reaffirmed the commitment to a relationship which Beijing and Hanoi have defined as "good neighbors, good friends, good comrades and good partners."

Also to the dismay of those gloaters is that the two leaders renewed their pledge to make joint efforts to control the maritime disputes between their countries and safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Admittedly, the maritime disputes are a hurdle to the development of China-Vietnam ties. But they are by no means an unsurmountable challenge that could crush the long-lasting relationship, especially given the friction-reducing potential of the China-proposed 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiative.

China has made it clear that the project, which covers large areas in the South China Sea, is aimed at promoting common prosperity and win-win development in Asia and beyond.

The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, inspired by its ancient namesake, will undoubtedly boost trade along the way. Moreover, just like with similar trade routes, it will also reduce the odds of conflict as more frequent exchanges of commodities and ideas will lead to better understanding between trading partners.

China has invited Vietnam to join the program. This not only shows China's sincerity to share growth opportunities with Vietnam, but also reflects China's aspiration to use a variety of ways to make the South China Sea an area of cooperation and peace.

It takes two to tango. Vietnam's participation will be highly welcome, and rewarding. With efforts from both sides, new chapters will be added to the China-Vietnam friendship.

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