Business / Markets

Stock slide may ignite wider crisis

By LI XIANG/WU YIYAO (China Daily) Updated: 2015-07-03 08:46

While analysts attributed recent market drops to forced liquidation of margin trading, there is growing speculation that the market has been further depressed by speculators shorting the A-share market.

Tools such as stockindex futures, which are intended for investors to hedge risks, have been used as weapons to slaughter the bull market, said Liu Shuwei, director of the Chinese Enterprise Research Center at the Central University of Finance and Economics.

Some analysts said that the recent market turmoil may be a hard-learned lesson for regulators and investors and may lead to a more cautious attitude by Beijing toward the country's financial innovation and liberalization.

The China Securities Regulatory Commission has launched an investigation into investors who use stockindex futures to short the market.

The probe will target market manipulation, and law enforcement personnel will crack down on illegal market activities. Those involved in crimes will be handed over to the public security departments.

Bloomberg also reported that the regulator may put a hold onfutures trading to prevent possible market manipulation.

Analysts believed that it is highly likely that the government will roll out more measures including a reduction of stock stamp duties and a suspension of new share sales to prop up the market.

While government measures may help calm the market in the short term, some analysts expressed doubts over the administrative intervention as it may sow seeds for an even greater crisis in the future.

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