Business / 2015 Top 10

Top 10 important auto events in 2015

By Du Xiaoying and Hao Yan (China Daily) Updated: 2015-11-23 07:01

3 Emissions scandal

In September, US regulators discovered that Volkswagen AG had installed software on its diesel engines that allowed its vehicles to evade pollution tests.

The company admitted that it fitted 11 million diesel vehicles with the software. Jochem Heizmann, president and CEO of Volkswagen Group China, said last month that the company will not cut its investment in China despite its economic losses after the scandal.

About 1,950 imported VW vehicles equipped with diesel engines in China have been affected.

Dong Yang, general secretary of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said in September that it will take Volkswagen 10 years to recover from the scandal.

Top 10 important auto events in 2015


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