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China hopes to make 2017 its annus mirabilis

China Daily | Updated: 2016-12-21 08:59
China hopes to make 2017 its annus mirabilis

Investors check share prices at a brokerage in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, Dec 12, 2016. [Photo/China Daily]

After a turbulent year, A-shares set to shine

By Li Xiang, China Daily

A friend of mine told me that he hasn't checked his stock account for so long that he nearly forgot his account password. He said he hadn't given up on the market, but simply wanted to play it as a long-term game.

The rollercoaster ride of the stock market since the summer of last year has made many retail investors grow tired of obsessively checking stock prices and constantly worrying about whether they would miss any opportunity to make profits.

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