Business / Hangzhou G20

Scholars, business leaders dissect Xi's speeches

(China Daily) Updated: 2016-09-06 08:10
Scholars, business leaders dissect Xi's speeches

Shada Islam, policy director of Brussels-based think tank Friends of Europe. [Photo provided to China Daily]

As one of the world's largest economies, China has a pivotal role to play in steering the global conversation and ensuring coordinated international action on issues related to world trade. A commitment by China to open and free trade is therefore highly significant, especially at a time when political and public support for free trade is on the wane.

Given the downbeat international mood on trade issues, the G20 under Chinese leadership must send a message of openness and President Xi Jinping has done so at the opening of the G20 Summit, which is encouraging and timely. This is not only crucial for the global economy but also vital for Europe-China relations.

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