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Sri Lankan business group aims to further commercial ties with China

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-10-31 09:52

COLOMBO - The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Sri Lanka's largest business organization, said on Monday that it wanted to further strengthen commercial ties with China to attract more foreign direct investments into the island country.

A Chinese business delegation led by Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai visited the CCC to hold discussions on commercial ties between the two countries.

During the discussions, Yang Jianrong, chairman of the CPIT Shanghai, said they were willing to work towards enhancing commercial ties and would help bring in more Chinese businesses.

"Many Chinese firms are doing business in Sri Lanka, and we'd like to help enhance further Chinese business in Sri Lanka," Yang said.

The CCC also expressed its fullest cooperation to enhancing two-way commercial ties between the two countries, while the chamber invited the CPIT Shanghai to participate in the Sri Lanka Investment and Business Conclave, an annual event organized by the CCC to attract FDI to Sri Lanka.

In response, the Chinese delegation also invited the CCC to promote the Belt and Road Brand Expo 2017, a Chinese trade exhibition which will be held on Dec 8-10 in Shanghai and organized by CPIT Shanghai.

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