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China's Sokon group launches its Indonesian plant operation

Xinhua | Updated: 2017-11-29 13:18

JAKARTA - China's Sokon automobile inaugurated its plant operation located in Indonesia's Banten province on Tuesday, claimed as a smart car factory that applies Industry 4.0 principle which highlights high accuracy and quality through flexible manufacturing system.

The Sokon automobile plant in Indonesia was ran by a joint venture operation that involves Sokon Group Hong Kong Co Ltd and the Indonesian partner Kaisar Motorindo Industri, completely built in the mid of this year after the construction process began in 2015.

"This production facility uses state of art technology with robotic system, assuring consistent high quality, accuracy of the product," Sokonindo CEO Alexander Barus said in his remarks to officially open the factory.

The car production facility was built on 20 hectares of area in an industrial zone located in the province's Serang regency with an initial investment of $150 million, he said.

He added that the amount of investment would be increased to $300 million to the development of its finance engine plant section.

The plant currently serves production activities of stamping, welding, painting and assembly, designed to have production a capacity of 50,000 units per year by 2019.

Alexander said Sokon car plant in Indonesia would serve the domestic market as well as production basis for exports to 70 countries and regions in Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

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