Business / Li at Boao

Jointly Open up new Vistas for Asia’s Development

( Updated: 2014-04-10 21:19

Here I wish to emphasize that China is committed to peaceful development. We pursue a neighborhood policy of building amity and friendship, and we are firm in our resolve to uphold China's territorial sovereignty. We also follow a clear-cut policy of seeking peaceful solutions to disputes. We will give full support to initiatives that help strengthen maritime cooperation. We will not accept acts that undermine stability in the South China Sea. We Chinese believe in repaying kindness with kindness and meeting wrongdoing with justice. We value friendship and never treat friends unfairly, and we also stand by principles and firmly uphold our fundamental position. A peaceful and stable South China Sea is in the interest of all littoral countries, including China. China is ready to steadily advance consultation on a code of conduct in the South China Sea within the framework of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and work with other countries to ensure peace, stability and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. China loves peace and cherishes development. It is ready to work with other countries in the region to build a peaceful, prosperous and open Asia and maintain peace, stability and tranquility in our neighborhood by enhancing political mutual trust.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Asia's development is important to the future of the world, and China's development is closely bound up with Asia.

To keep China's economy running within a proper range is both a basic target of China's current macro-control and its medium-to-long-term policy goal. We have set this year's target of economic growth at about 7.5%. The word "about" indicates that there is a range for the GDP growth. As long as there is fairly sufficient employment and no major fluctuations, the actual GDP growth will be considered to be within the proper range, be it slightly higher or lower than the 7.5% target. Statistics show that urban employment continued to increase, individual income, corporate profits and fiscal revenue registered steady growth, consumer prices remained stable, growth of electricity consumption started to rise and there were positive dynamics in structural adjustment. In short, the Chinese economy has got off to a stable and good start. On the other hand, the upturn of the Chinese economy is not yet on a solid footing, downward pressure still exists, and difficulties in some fields must not be underestimated. These problems show the impact exerted on China by the complex international environment; they also reflect the prominent challenges and economic slowdown that China faces.

Preparedness ensures success. Faced with this complex situation, we need to calmly assess the current developments, stay focused, and take initiatives as called for. In exercising macro-control, we will endeavor to strike a balance between aggregate supply and demand, focus on improving the economic structure, ensure proper policy intensity of macro-control in the light of changing situation and take targeted and differentiated measures as appropriate. Last year, we pursued creative thinking and methods in exercising macro-control and gained new experience in this regard. We will not resort to short-term massive stimulus policies just because of temporary economic fluctuations and we will pay more attention to sound development in the medium to long run and strive for sustained and sound economic development. With all the principles established and policy options at our disposal, we can handle all possible risks and challenges. China's development has strong resilience. We have the capabilities and confidence to keep the economy functioning within the proper range.

There are conditions in place for the Chinese economy to achieve sustained sound growth. China has a big economy and large foreign exchange reserves. There is steady and coordinated progress in advancing the new type of industrialization, IT application, urbanization and agricultural modernization. And the Chinese market has broad space. There is much we can do to boost China's development. In particular, there is a large urban-rural gap in development. Population in the central, western and northeastern regions accounts for over 60% of the national total. And per capita GDP has just exceeded US$5,000. To narrow the gap between urban and rural areas and among different regions will unleash huge potential of growth. We have introduced a series of policies to advance reform, adjust structure and benefit the people, and more such measures are under consideration. All these will help ensure such steady growth.

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