
China seeks to play green with black energy

Updated: 2010-09-19 13:48
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Coal-dependent China has also been looking to renewable energies and new energies to meet the country's energy demand due to concerns on the environment and sustainable development.

Greener energies, such as wind and hydropower, solar power and nuclear power, have been on the government's agenda for a development push.

The government announced last year that it planned to generate at least 15 percent of its energy capacity from wind, solar and other renewable energy sources by 2020, reducing fossil fuel consumption to 85 percent.

Fossil fuels in the total energy mix are currently 91 percent.

China will invest 5 trillion yuan into renewable energy projects over the next decade under an industry development plan, China Securities Journal reported in early August, citing the State Information Center.

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"China has made great progress in developing its new energy industry in the world," Vice-minister of Science and Technology Li Xueyong said.

For example, by the end of 2009 the total installed capacities of wind power had increased by 51 fold to 17,580 megawatts (MW) compared with that in 2000. Also, the capacity for solar power had hit 230 MW, up by 7.7 fold from 2000.

Dr Jonathan Sinton said the government should intervene on an unprecedented level with targeted technology policies to address the cost-competitiveness gap and expand funding for research and development during the pre-commercial stage.

China has allocated more than 10 billion yuan to the research and development of energy conservation and emissions reduction technologies during the 11th Five-Year Plan, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Li Xueyong said the Ministry of Science and Technology is planning research work on a development strategy for the next five years and would take new energy industries as a focal point and increase support of technology research and development.

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