Business / Latest news

Chinese car renters need detailed guidance abroad

[2016-06-23 08:16]

With more than a decade of driving experience, I was fairly confident and thought it should be easy and enjoyable when my son suggested we drive during our two-week vacation in France and Spain. It was easy, apart from the less than 300 kilometers from the Pyrenees Mountains to the Spanish seaside city Barcelona.

More wealthy Chinese head overseas to see doctor

[2016-06-17 08:14]

Going to the doctor's is often a frustrating experience for most Chinese people: long queues, complicated procedures, more-than-expected checkups and the intimidating attitude of the physicians.

Disruptive Dozen: My billion-yuan tech ideas

[2016-06-21 08:09]

Buzzwords and catch phrases related to innovation have exploded of late: robotics, big data, cloud computing, internet of things, NEVs, intelligent wearables, augmented reality, live streaming, 3-D printer... I'm convinced man can now do anything and go where no mind has gone before.

Woman video blogger's success may be one-of-a-kind

[2016-06-16 09:38]

Over the last weekend, I binge watched the most famous Chinese video blogger Jiang Yilei who has reportedly turned her short videos into a business worth hundreds of millions of yuan, in just a matter of several months.

Live-streaming apps only add to boredom of urban life

[2016-06-08 07:58]

After hearing friends talking about how popular live-streaming apps are and reading news report about how the nascent and yet booming industry has generated wealth and fame, I decided to give them a try.

Go against the grain to reap investment dividends

[2016-06-03 07:57]

Here, economic or valuation factors rarely affect people's decisions to trade stocks. It is greed or fear that calls the shots. And when extreme fear prevails, a chance to make profit emerges.

Economic slowdown, or just a state of mind?

[2016-06-07 11:17]

As we drove from Guiyang's airport to the countryside, we passed a skyline dotted with construction cranes.

Community advertising should benefit homeowners

[2016-06-02 08:24]

The authorities should also ensure that the content of community advertisements is clean and heathy and does not harm young residents.

Winds of change herald foreigner CEOs in China Inc

[2016-05-31 08:21]

Change takes time, but things will change. Perhaps, by 2025, most Chinese companies will realize that in our globalized world, they can't simply not hire foreign talent.

Miracle of WeChat takes hold of tech-savvy news gatherers

[2016-05-26 08:19]

Every morning Monday through Friday, at our very first editorial meeting at 8 o'clock, all the editors from different news sections take out their cell phones, instead of notebooks, to attend the day's early briefing for China Daily's print-digital news convergence.

Apple, 'Orange' deal a punch, give the lie to rhetoric

[2016-05-20 08:14]

Actions, they say, speak louder than words; and big-ticket investments, I'd argue, give the lie to views and rhetoric.

China's Motor City Wuhan, start your engines now!

[2016-05-18 08:02]

Jiangxia district in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, takes pride in its young car culture: streets here are named after Chevrolet, Buick and Cadillac. People introduce their hometown as "China's Motor City", and many young people expect to work in the automotive industry when they leave school or college.

Second child? Malls already ramping up offerings for summer

[2016-05-12 08:17]

China's small businesses are likely to ensure the second-child policy will bear fruit sooner than later. Allow me a detour to explain.

Spanish tourism needs to be more 'Chinese-friendly'

[2016-05-11 08:42]

The growing number of Chinese tourists traveling to Spain has in recent years offered lucrative opportunities for local companies.

Economics drives parental choice of school in China

[2016-05-10 08:19]

Three years ago, I wrote in this newspaper about how Chinese parents would go to great lengths to get their children into popular primary schools.

Bank card users must remain vigilant to threats

[2016-05-06 07:16]

Reports on bank card skimming in recent years have become a major public concern. And this latest scam highlights the security failings and defects in classic payment systems.

Ongoing passion for fitness offers healthy returns to startups

[2016-05-05 07:37]

More and more people buy into the idea with their bulging wallets and rising health awareness, and a momentum is building up in the development of keep-fit business, creating wealth opportunities for those who see the potential

Running an Airbnb business is harder than it looks

[2016-05-04 07:18]

Thanks to the internet-enabled sharing economy, which allows one who has idle assets to make use of them via the peer-to-peer model, it is officially the era of "what is mine is yours" in China, or at least in major cities of the country.

China's national soccer guidelines offer win-win situation

[2016-04-29 08:24]

China's top economic watchdog and sports administration issued long-term guidelines this month, highlighting the goal of the nation to become a "top-class football nation" by 2050.

Cafe coffers are full, but coffee has no moxie

[2016-04-28 08:30]

My experience is technology, big money, plush ambience, stylish service and arty seasoning-cinnamon-sprinkled milky foam anyone?-do not necessarily guarantee a good coffee.
