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Microsoft feels the pulse of China's digital transformation

By Liu Zheng | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2016-12-13 15:03

Microsoft feels the pulse of China's digital transformation

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella speaks at a Microsoft tech gathering in Dublin, Ireland October 3, 2016. [Photo/Agencies]

So, whether it's a traditional industrial operation exploring automation, a financial services business exploring Block chain, or a startup exploring holographic gaming or eSports broadcast, we have the platforms, partners, solutions and programs to help.

6. What's the biggest difference between the China market and the other markets? What are the challenges in the China market?

China is such a diverse economic and developmental landscape that it can't really be compared to any single market in the world.

Major urban areas are some of the most advanced anywhere in the terms of the progress of digital transformation.

At the same time, China has rural areas with little or no basic infrastructure for digital transformation.

China has many massive traditional industrial enterprises that must transform to survive and thrive in this new era where efficiency, productivity, the environment and global supply chains play an increasingly critical role in determining success.

The economics and societal implications of that will not be insignificant.

At the same time, China has one of the most creative and energized born-in-the-cloud technology startup environments in the world and China's digital-native innovators have already built several of the world's most powerful internet companies. The implications of that for China and for the world are also significant.

Microsoft's mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Microsoft China was in many ways born in and shaped by the incredible diversity and dynamics of this environment and the China that we see today.

So, we can't help but see all of this as the world's greatest opportunity to have a positive impact.

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