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Pamela Anderson stirs Juno Awards with seal hunt protest

Agencies | Updated: 2006-04-03 16:44

Pamela Anderson stirs Juno Awards with seal hunt protest

Pamela Anderson opened JUNO awards with a speech on the East Coast seal hunt.

Pamela Anderson kicked off Sunday's televised show gushing about the Canadian music scene, but quickly turned to her political views on the East Coast seal hunt.

"I don't mind a little blood on the ice when it's a hockey rink, but I hate seeing blood on the ice when it's from baby seals," Pamela Anderson said.

Hundreds of thousands of baby seals will be clubbed or shot this year alone—an annual harp seal slaughter subsidized by the Canadian government.
95% of the harp seals killed are less than 3 months old. This year’s government quota is 325,000 seals, one of the highest since the hunt began.

Many seals will be left to die under the ice while some baby seals may even be skinned alive. Scientists agree that the size of this hunt puts the harp seal population at risk.

"I have high heels and they dig in deep," Pamela Anderson added when audience booed her.