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Sarah Jessica Parker rules out 'Sex' film

Updated: 2006-04-24 17:25

Sarah Jessica Parker rules out 'Sex' film

Sarah Jessica Parker insists there is no way she will ever film a 'Sex and the City' movie - or even another episode of the hit series.

The blonde actress, who played Carrie Bradshaw, says she knows nothing about the much rumored big-screen adaptation or a project to film five new episodes of the hit program.

She said: "It's hilarious, I haven't heard anything abut it, it might be being discussed but no one has discussed it with me." advertisement

She added: "I don't want to do five episodes as a show and not because of any lack of affection because I loved that job. That job is over and it was a very hard decision for me to leave."

SJP, who is currently starring in comic movie 'Failure To Launch', also admits she is reluctant to commit to any episodes of 'Sex and the City' because she doesn't want to be away from her son, James.

The star, who is married to Hollywood actor Matthew Broderick, told gay magazine Bent: "For my son it is much better for me to do a movie for a finite time and then be home."

Sarah Jessica, who married Broderick in 1997, has also revealed she still keeps in touch with her former co-stars, Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon and Kim Cattrall.

She explained: "Kristin lives in LA and is hardly in NY. Everyone has been away & Cynthia is about to do Broadway so I will see her more. But we all keep in touch, that is the virtue of e-mail."