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Leaked Pitt-ures spark legal tussle

calsun.canoe.cn | Updated: 2006-06-28 15:44

Leaked Pitt-ures spark legal tussle

Hollywood couple Angelina Jolie (R) and Brad Pitt, pictured 07 June 2006. Jolie and Pitt plan to adopt another child, the actress said in an interview, in which she also confirmed that she donates a third of her income to charity.(AFP/File)

Hollywood's hottest couple has been caught on camera again -- but this time, they're fighting to stay out of the limelight.

Lawyers for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are mailing out strongly worded letters to media outlets regarding a stolen digital memory card containing images that include a baby shower and other private moments.

According to the law firm Lavely & Singer, the memory card has been offered for sale to various media outlets despite it being "obvious to anyone viewing the Stolen Photos that they were taken in private, on private property and that they could only have been taken by our clients and/or a family member, who own all right title and interest thereto."

The lawyers say anyone daring to publish said photos will be held "liable for substantial compensatory damages, punitive damages, and injunctive relief."

One photo showing Pitt and a pregnant Jolie with white feather boas wrapped around their heads was placed on the Internet yesterday.

Police are reportedly investigating the theft.