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Paris attacked by her pet

Bang! Showbiz | Updated: 2006-08-14 14:44

 Paris attacked by her pet

Paris Hilton has been attacked by one of her pets.

The hotel heiress, known for her love of animals, was reportedly bitten on the arm by Baby Luv, her kinkajou monkey.

Paris, who adopted the creature last year, had been playing with the simian when it turned nasty and decided take a chunk out of her, according to tmz.com.

The House of Wax actress' spokesman, Elliot Mintz, has confirmed the incident and has revealed he drove the blonde to hospital at around 3am to receive treatment on the superficial wound.

Paris, 25, was seen by a doctor and given a tetanus jab to stop the bite from becoming infected, and according to Mintz she is fine.