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Lohan sees upside in paparazzi

Updated: 2006-08-16 17:09

Lohan sees upside in paparazzi

ATTENTION SEEKER: Actress Lindsay Lohan admits that, while the paparazzi can be a pain, she worries 'Do people not care anymore' if they aren't following her.

Lindsay Lohan loves being hounded by the press because it means people still like her.

The Just My Luck actress has revealed that although she doesn't like being followed by the paparazzi it would be upsetting if they didn't - because her popularity would be on the wane.

She revealed to Elle magazine: "I literally come out of my hotel and the photographers are there. It's not like I ask them to follow me. But you know, it's actually weird when the paparazzi's not there and things aren't being written, because you kind of wonder, Do people not care anymore?"

The flame-haired actress also admitted that she will only have sex with men who can be faithful to her.

She added: "My mom's going to kill me for talking about sleeping with people. But if I'm going to give my body to someone, I'd rather them not be with other people.

"I love having a variety of partners. I think everyone does, especially at my age. I mean, if the sex is bad, the relationship's not going anywhere." (Source:Bang! Showbiz)