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Beyonce's ballet nightmare

breakingNews | Updated: 2006-09-11 09:22
Beyonce's ballet nightmare Beyonce Knowles was left red-faced when secret ballet lessons she took recently left her realising she wasn't the dancing talent she always hoped she was.

The pop superstar has always dreamed of perfecting ballet and figured she'd be a natural because she has been dancing all her life.

She says: "I'd like to learn how to do pointe, ballet dance. I went to have lessons?and I'm thinking, 'I dance, I'll be able to hang.'

"So I didn't tell anybody it was me, I went and got on my tights, I walked in and I was completely embarrassed. I was horrible, terrible?I'm too old?You have to start when you're, like, five years old."

And, after hitting 25 on Monday, Knowles now has a list of things she wants to try before she turns 30.

She adds: "I wanna learn Arabic. It's very hard, I tried. And I wanna learn how to cook... and I wanna learn how to skydive."