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Orlando Bloom buys first computer

Updated: 2006-09-14 17:22
Orlando Bloom buys first computerOrlando Bloom buys first computerPirates Of The Caribbean star Orlando Bloom finally bought his first computer on Monday after years of trying to avoid technology.

The 29-year-old star feared the computer would be a burden to him and that he would be stuck for hours on end dealing with endless emails.

He tells US talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, "I just never wanted to buy into it.

"To be honest, the thought of sitting down in front of a computer at the end of the day and answer a million emails or just deal with it.

"And then it goes wrong, or you lose it, and then it sort of becomes this thing, you've got your music, your movies, your life on it and then you lose it and then what do you do when you lose it?

"I mean, I'd rather just have it all in my head. If people need to get hold of me, they can get hold of me."

"What I'm going to try and do is limit the number of people that have access to it so that I only have to answer my mom and my sister and I can see pictures.

"Apparently I'm on (social networking website) MySpace, there's somebody acting like me on MySpace. Good on him, I hope he's getting something from that!"