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Kate Bosworth chain-smoking away her heartache

sawf.org | Updated: 2006-09-27 10:25

Kate Bosworth chain-smoking away her heartache

Kate Bosworth in Superman Returns

While most people take to the bottle trying to cope with a broken heart, it seems that actress Kate Bosworth believes in smoking her away grief.

The Superman Returns star, who recently called off her on-again, off-again relationship with beau Orlando Bloom, was spotted puffing away while out on the town with pals.

A source revealed that a miserable looking Bosworth was out with pals on the weekend when they decided to stop at the East Village Brazilian restaurant Esperanto for a dinner.

However, the only thing on the actress' menu, was cigarette after cigarette.

"She was wearing very tight jeans, revealing the fact that her legs were the same size as her pinky. She looked miserable, especially noted from the look of death she was giving to anyone who looked in her direction," the New York Daily News quoted the source, as saying.

An increasingly gaunt looking Bosworth has already blamed her split from boyfriend Orlando Bloom on the 'Curse of Superman', after acting in the movie as the Man of Steel's love interest Lois Lane.

A friend of the actress revealed that though she and Bloom had always had difficulty maintaining a relationship, they had managed to do so despite hectic work schedules. However filming and then promoting this particular movie had proved to be too much for the couple.

"The stress of Kate filming and then promoting 'Superman Returns' was too much for her - especially with Orlando being so busy with 'Pirates Of The Caribbean' at the same time. It's something they had suffered before in their relationship but Superman was the one that broke them up," Contactmusic quoted the pal, as telling British newspaper the Daily Express.

As a result, Bosworth had now turned into a believer of the 'Superman' curse. "Kate never believed in the curse before, but she does now," the pal added.