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Donald Trump doesn't like Angelina Jolie

hollywoodrag.com | Updated: 2006-10-12 09:38

Donald Trump doesn't like Angelina Jolie

Donald Trump doesn't find Angelina Jolie attractive... and says she treats
her father like a "dog".

The billionaire business mogul cannot understand why so many men are
infatuated with the 'Tomb Raider' actress, and claims one of the reasons he
is turned off by her is because of the way she has behaved towards her dad,
actor John Voight.

Trump told CNN news anchor Larry King: "She is not even that attractive. I
think he's (Brad Pitt) a smart guy for narrowly dodging the marriage issue.
I'm not a fan of hers as you probably noticed.

"I know her father. Her father is a nice guy. I think she treats him like a
dog but maybe they have some kind of a thing."

Trump - who has known Voight for years - added: "I mean this poor sap he
comes along and he practically begs her, 'I want to see my grandson. I want
to see this.' I mean if I were with him, I'd say 'Forget it. It's over.'

"I think he's a great actor and she just treats him terribly. She's been
with so many guys she makes me look like a baby, OK, with the other side.

And, I just don't even find her attractive. That has nothing to do with why
I said it though."

Trump, the star of US reality TV show 'The Apprentice' also revealed he had
changed his mind about Britney Spears' husband Kevin Federline - another
celebrity he recently criticised.

He explained: "I heard the other day that his all-time hero is Donald Trump.

"You know when somebody likes you, you say, 'Hey.' So, I totally changed my
mind. I think Kevin Federline is fantastic."