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Kylie's ex turns to Penelope Cruz

AAP | Updated: 2007-02-06 15:37

Kylie Minogue's ex-boyfriend, Olivier Martinez, has been spotted in the arms of yet another woman, this time it's actress Penelope Cruz.

Kylie's ex turns to Penelope Cruz

Penelope Cruz[AP]

Britain's Daily Mirror made much of photographs showing the French actor in an embrace with the Hollywood star at a Los Angeles hotel 12 hours after ending his four-year relationship with Minogue.

But the pictures, carried on the paper's front page with the headline Kylie Cad Cruz Schmooze and in a double-page spread, show Martinez and Cruz sharing what appears to be a friendly hug.

Cruz, who was at the Chateau Marmont hotel for lunch with three female friends, reportedly shrieked with delight when she saw Martinez.

An unnamed source criticised the Frenchman for being so brazen after he and Minogue announced their split at the weekend.

Does he really have to rub Kylie's nose in it? the source told the paper.

Martinez has been seen at the same hotel in recent days with Israeli model Sarai Givati, Lost star Michelle Rodriguez and a mystery brunette.

Minogue is due to attend the opening of an exhibition of her costumes, accessories and photographs at London's Victoria and Albert Museum tomorrow.

The exhibition has come under fire from British art and culture critics who have questioned the artistic value of a show devoted to a pop star, claiming it is too populist.