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John Lennon's son is no copycat of his dad

ANI | Updated: 2007-07-24 17:27

Beatles' star John Lennon's son, singer-songwriter Julian, denies copying his dad's political protests in making an environmental issue film.

Julian produced a documentary 'The Gathering: Return of the Whale Dreamers' about an aboriginal tribe and its special relationship to whales.

The film, which also touches on a lot of environmental issues, has received many awards and was shown at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival.

The 44-year-old revealed that he admired his dad's fight against Vietnam War and everything he did, but he was not 'jumping on the bandwagon'.

"I admire what he did enormously. But we are not jumping on the bandwagon," he added.

He insisted that he started his work 10 years ago and it was not followed by 9/11 happenings and nor was a copy of politician Al Gore's environmental campaign.

"We never did it to make money, we started ten years ago so we were before Al Gore and 9/11," he said.