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Brad Pitt tames Jolie's lesbian libido?

Daily Telegraph | Updated: 2007-08-13 18:46

Brad Pitt tames Jolie's lesbian libido?

Angelina Jolie claims she is so satisfied with her partner Brad Pitt that she is giving up women and kinky sex.

"I have never hidden my bisexuality," she told France's Public magazine.

"But since I've been with Brad, I abandoned women. Now there is no room for that or S&M in my life."

However, model Jenny Shimizu, Jolie's former lesbian lover, doesn't think even Brad Pitt can tame Jolie's lesbian libido for too long.

"She loves danger and dabbling in the dark side," Shimizu, 40, told Britain's News of the World.

"Angelina is an unbelievable lesbian lover. That's where she gets her kicks - not playing happy families with one man."

But Public magazine quoted Jolie as saying she is still very happy with Pitt because he believes in her.

"He lets me talk to whomever I want," she said. "He has complete blind faith in me."

Jolie had a steamy long-term lesbian relationship with model Jenny Shimizu, whom she met on the set of the 1996 flick Foxfire.