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Britney Spears told to pay most of K-Fed's fees

Agencies | Updated: 2007-11-07 09:49

Britney Spears told to pay most of K-Fed's fees

LOS ANGELES - Britney Spears has been ordered to pay $120,000 in legal fees to her ex-husband Kevin Federline, who was awarded temporary custody of their young sons.

Superior Court Commissioner Scott M. Gordon ordered the pop star to pony up that much of the $154,500 in legal fees that Federline owes to his attorney, according to court papers filed Tuesday.

Gordon made the decision after considering factors including "the notable disparity between the parties' income," the ruling said.

A call to Spears' attorney was not immediately returned.

Court papers released last week show that Spears makes roughly $737,000 per month and spends lavishly on clothes and entertainment. Meanwhile, Federline "indicates that he does not earn any income," the ruling said.

Federline, father of 2-year-old Sean Preston and 1-year-old Jayden James, receives $15,000 per month in child support and $20,000 in spousal support from Spears.

The spousal support is to end Nov. 15.