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Demi Moore: let leeches suck my blood

Agencies | Updated: 2008-03-26 11:09

First, shave your body. Then immerse yourself in turpentine. And when the stinging stops, allow leeches to feast on your blood.

It sounds like a particularly refined form of torture. But Demi Moore swears by it, as a way of looking healthy and far younger than her 45 years.

The secret, says Miss Moore, is an extremely alternative beauty therapy.

Demi Moore: let leeches suck my blood

During an interview with David Letterman yesterday, Demi Moore revealed she is a fan of 'leech therapy'

In New York to promote her new film Flawless, Moore told U.S. talk show host David Letterman: "I feel like I've always been someone looking for the cutting edge of things that optimise your health and healing.

Leech therapy has a long history - ancient Egyptian doctors once considered them a cure-all.

Today, they are sometimes used in plastic and reconstructive surgery to assist in the reattachment of severed body parts.

"They have a little enzyme that when they are biting down in you it gets released in your blood and generally you bleed for quite a bit - and your health is optimised.

"It detoxifies your blood - I'm feeling very detoxified right now.

"I did it in some woman's house lying on her bed. We did a little sampler first, which is in the belly button.

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