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Madonna's love for Penn

Agencies | Updated: 2008-07-17 08:44

Madonna's love for Penn
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Madonna's brother Christopher Ciccone claims her ex-husband Sean Penn was "the love of her life". The 'Material Girl' singer - who was married to 'Mystic River' actor Sean from 1985 to 1989 - says she has never truly got over her split from Sean.

He said: "Sean was definitely the love of her life." Christopher - who recently blamed Madonna's current husband Guy Ritchie for his estranged relationship with his sister - also revealed he and Sean bonded in a unique way.

He added to US TV show 'Extra': "He cut my thumb open - he cut his open - we pressed them together and he was like, 'OK, cool - now we're blood brothers!' " Later in the explosive interview, the artistic director claims he once found Madonna's ex-boyfriend Warren Beatty going through her rubbish, shortly before their relationship ended.

He said: "I see a shadow going through the garbage can, I look over, and I realise it's Warren. I think they were both suspect of each other, as far as being true."