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Get ready for the real Jane Zhang

By Han Bingbin and Qin Zhongwei | China Daily | Updated: 2011-06-07 15:25

Q+A: Jane Zhang

How much do you think this album represents your true self?

65 percent.

Why? Is it because there are more fast-tempo songs this time?

I think I am actually a more outgoing person. But before (this album), I tended to sing slower or sad songs, and I was somewhat reserved when I did interviews. So it was easy to give people the impression that I was melancholy every day. I just wanted to throw that impression away and be myself on stage.

So you want your album to express yourself? Or show that an album is not just a piece of merchandise, but can be something by which you identify yourself.

It should have the things I want to express, yes. If it doesn't have them, I don't think it would mean a lot to me. Otherwise, it is much easier to release singles or hit songs, and it wouldn't be energy consuming for me to do that.

The new album is called Reform. What price a singer needs to pay for making such reform or change to her style? As you said, you don't like those sad love songs. But how do you persuade your company to allow you to do something different, as it must consider the needs of the market?

I don't need to persuade. I just don't sing them. I have been saying that, really, from Huayi (Zhang's first record company) until now, nobody has forced me to sing those songs that I resist.

I don't mean that I hate sad love songs. I just don't want to do them over and over again. It is too hypocritical.

It is not me, and I just cannot stand it. Everyone is multi-faceted. I have a quiet or silent side as well, but most of the time I'm not like that. So I hate other people putting me into a certain group.

You just mentioned that foreign songwriters contributed about 70 percent of the songs on Reform. So is the huge network of musicians and resources worldwide the most attractive reason for you to sign with Universal, a world-famous record company?

I think the most important thing was that it allowed me to get to know Adia, (the Taiwan producer of this and Zhang's previous album), that I found someone who was "on the same beat" as me.

It is so important to work with someone who helps you express what you want to say in your heart but you struggle to find the words to say it.

He helps you find the right word. That feeling is terrific. And maybe because both of us are outgoing and straightforward, the communication between us is very comfortable and easy. I think we will continue to work together in the long term.

You wrote on your micro blog recently: "I feel blessed that I have been making changes in recent years, but fortunately I was not changed." So what do you think is the most important quality that can help an entertainer like you be themselves?

Be happy and follow your bliss, as you will resist things that don't make you happy.

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