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Lauren Conrad to write beauty book

Agencies | Updated: 2011-10-31 09:43

Lauren Conrad to write beauty book

Lauren Conrad is writing a book on beauty.

The reality TV star-turned-fashion designed has inked a deal to pen 'Lauren Conrad Beauty' which she promises will answer all "beauty conundrums".

She wrote on her personal website: "I am working on a new book: 'Lauren Conrad BEAUTY'! Like 'Lauren Conrad Style', my beauty book will be your ultimate guide for all things beauty. In it, I'll provide my personal insights, instructions and tips to keep you looking glamorous 365 days a year. I'll address everything from how your diet affects skincare and fun hairstyles for a night out to one simple thing you can do each day to freshen up your look.

"I am currently working on 'Lauren Conrad Beauty' and I want to make sure I address all of your questions, because this book is for you. Got questions about hair, makeup, skincare, manicures ... or anything else beauty-related? Leave them in the comments below and I will check out all of your questions and work with my team to answer your beauty conundrums in the pages of my new book! How's that sound? (sic)"

Lauren is also planning to launch a beauty line based on her site, TheBeautyDepartment.com, soon.

She said: "Right now, one of my main objectives is to expandthebeautydepartment.com into a product line. I am currently researching all of my options, but should begin the process of executing an actual line very soon - stay tuned!"