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South Korean actor honored to look like Xi

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2014-08-05 10:47

South Korean actor honored to look like Xi

South Korean actor Kim Soo-hyun (R) said he is honored to physicall resemble Chinese President Xi Jinping (L). File Photo

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South Korean actor Kim Soo-hyun, who shot to fame in the hit TV drama My Love from the Star, is honored to physically resemble Chinese President Xi Jinping, reports cnhubei.com.

Xi, accompanied by First Lady Peng Liyuan, paid a state visit to South Korea in early July. During their visit to Changdokkung, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an imperial palace for ancient South Korean kings, Peng make a remark that Xi looked very much like Professor Do Minjun (played by Kim in My Love from the Star) during his younger days.

"My daughter and I were looking at a photo of President Xi when he was younger, and we both think he closely resembles the protagonist Professor Do from My Love from the Star, Peng is quoted as saying at Changdokkung.

According to the official Sina Weibo of cnhubei.com, Kim was asked what he thought of Peng's comment while attending a commercial event yesterday. '

"I'm very honored to look like President Xi," Kim replied.

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