CHINA / Background

Are the right control measures being applied?
Updated: 2004-02-02 16:09

In some cases, yes. Japan and the Republic of Korea appear to have controlled their outbreaks in poultry, quickly and safely. Studies of workers involved in culling operations have been conducted, and no cases of human infection have been detected. The situation in other countries is more problematic.

WHO is fully aware that governments in several countries with serious poultry outbreaks do not have the resources needed to introduce recommended protective measures for cullers or carry out the very rapid destruction of poultry flocks. In some of these countries, the practice of raising poultry on backyard farms in remote rural areas, which may not be registered with agricultural authorities, further complicates rapid and systematic elimination of the animal reservoir.

WHO, FAO, and OIE have jointly issued an urgent appeal to the international community to make adequate resources and other forms of support available quickly in the interest of protecting international public health.

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