CHINA / National

China denies plans for int'l railway lines
Updated: 2006-04-11 09:58

China's Ministry of Railways on Monday denied reports of plans for four international lines, including an extension of the Qinghai-Tibet track into India.

Ministry spokesman Wang Yongping told Xinhua that the proposals reported in some media were not listed in China's medium and long-term railway outline.

Some media, quoting an official with the Leading Group under the State Council for Development of the Western Regions, reported the proposed routes would get underway during the 11th Five-Year Program period (2006-2010) or even further ahead.

The reports stated the plans were:

-- an extension of the Qinghai-Tibet railway to India;

-- a route linking southwest China's Yunnan Province with southeast and southern Asia;

-- a track from northeast China to Russia;

-- and a line from Xinjiang into Russia.

Wang said the ministry has confirmed with the office of the Leading Group under the State Council for Development of the Western Regions that it had not released the story, but that a reporter had quoted a paper written by an official working in theoffice.

Wang acknowledged that the medium and long-term outline sets specific targets for railway construction by the year 2020.