CHINA / National

Japan group proposes future-oriented ties with China
Updated: 2006-05-10 14:01

Japan's constitution forbids government officials from being engaged in religious activities in their official capacity.

The group also suggested conducting a joint study of history by experts from Japan and China, and applying the research results to the curriculums on history in Japanese high schools.

Increasing exchanges at all levels in various fields is also essential to a future-oriented Japan-China relation, the proposal said. It proposed enhancing exchange and communication between governments, defense departments as well as those between the young people in China and Japan.

The proposal said they hoped that Japan and China can establish an all-round strategic partnership and achieve peace, prosperity and cooperation in security, economy and other fields.

It said that neither country should interfere with the other's internal affairs or seek hegemony. The two neighbors should construct a cooperative relationship for their own interests, stability of the international community, and particularly for the establishment of an East Asian community, it added.

The proposal also called for cooperation between Japan and China in areas such as investment, trade, the integration of East Asia economy, promotion of energy-efficiency and environmental protection.

Keizai Doyukai is a major Japanese business group, boasting a membership of 1,400 top executives from some 900 corporations. The proposal was based on suggestions collected from Japanese business circles since last year, it said.

Local media noted that it is rare for a major Japanese business group to present such a long proposal over Japan-China relations to the government. The act suggested that the Japanese business circle was concerned about the current relations between the two countries.

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