CHINA / National

China to enjoy global coop in future lunar probes
Updated: 2006-07-21 19:46

China will cooperate more closely with space agencies in Russia, Europe and the United States in future lunar exploration, announced a leading Chinese space scientist on Friday.

At the ongoing 36th Committee on Space Research Scientific Assembly, Ouyang Ziyuan, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that China has already worked closely with Russia in the fields of space instruments, facilities and observation and control of spacecraft.

"We have also cooperated with the European Space Agency (ESA) in the fields of observation and control technologies," Ouyang said, adding that the cooperation will be extended to the United States.

International cooperation is necessary in lunar exploration, the scientist added.

China's space agency plans to launch its first lunar orbiter Chang'e I in 2007. In 2010, it will launch an unmanned spacecraft for the Moon.