CHINA / Regional

Surrogate mother asks for extra money for twins
By Coldness Kwan (
Updated: 2006-08-09 16:30

A college girl who agreed to be a surrogate mother for a sterile couple asked the father to double the payment after she found out she was carrying fraternal twins, the Hainan Special Zone News reported on Wednesday.

The girl, from south China's Hainan Province, agreed to bear a child for the man after he offered to pay 80,000 yuan for either a boy or a girl. But he couldn't afford to pay the 160,000 yuan the girl asked for after she gave birth to the twins.

The girl filed lawsuit against him for the money this June.

The man, from central China's Hunan Province, and his wife decided to find a surrogate mother after she was found sterile after six years of marriage. The man met the girl, who was then still on campus in Hainan and had sex with her in 2003.

The girl was embarrassed after the man told her the truth but she wanted the money. She agreed and the man offered to pay the medical expenses during her pregnancy.

The twins were born at the end of 2003 and the girl asked for 160,000 yuan. The man, whose business was not good at that time, went into debt. After that, he only paid her 35,000 yuan in three installments.

The man brought the twins back to his hometown after his wife had died of a heart attack in Hainan. The girl tried to reach him for the over 100,000 yuan he still owed her, but without success.

The court ruled that the surrogacy is beyond the scope of current law. The lawsuit ended the girl dropping the charges.

Though he used to long for children, the man has not fared as well as he expected with the twins. He said it was not good for the children to live with an uptight father without a mother.

To contact the writer of this story:
Guan Xiaomeng in Beijing at