Media: Pope to convene special meeting on China

Updated: 2007-01-17 08:53

Pope Benedict XVI, seen here 06 January 2007, is reportedly expected to convene a Vatican meeting soon to discuss the Roman Catholic church's strategy in China. [AFP]

Vatican City - Pope Benedict XVI is reportedly expected to convene a Vatican meeting soon to discuss the Roman Catholic church's strategy in China.

The meeting is to focus on China's strained relations with the Holy See after Beijing consecrated several bishops last year without papal approval, a move seen as "unlawful" by Pope Benedict, said the I-Media news agency, which reports in French on Vatican affairs.

A spokesman for Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen last week said that the Catholic leader planned to attend the meeting.

Beijing in 1951 cut diplomatic ties with the Vatican, which has since recognised Taiwan, which is regarded as part of China's territory awaiting reunification.

China had insisted that to re-establish ties, the Vatican must sever ties with Taiwan and not interfere in its internal affairs.

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