KMT to elect new chief in April

Updated: 2007-02-25 08:51

Taiwan's main opposition party Kuomintang (KMT) will elect a new chairman in mid April following the resignation of its former leader Ma Ying-jeou on Feb. 14.

The election will take place prior to a number of major Taiwan elections including a primary election for the Taiwan leader, and a by-election for mayor of Keelung, both of which take place in May.

The new party chairman will hold the post until 2009 according to KMT's regulation.

Wu Poh-hsiung, vice chairman of KMT, has been acting party chairman since Ma resigned.

Ma Ying-jeou submitted his resignation on Feb.13 after he was indicted on charges of corruption. Taiwan prosecutors said Ma diverted 11 million New Taiwan dollars (333,000 U.S. dollars) from Taipei's special allowance funds to his private account when he was mayor of Taipei.

Ma has said he still plans to run in the 2008 "Presidential" election after he is cleared of the charges and if he is selected as the KMT candidate.

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