TV debate shows Tsang's vision and capability

(China Daily HK Edition)
Updated: 2007-03-02 08:49

The performance of Donald Tsang at the Chief Executive Candidates Forum last night was applauded by the Election Committee (EC) members and the community at large.

Tsang, contesting for a second term, pulled it off through his ability to maintain poise and calmness when answering questions from the EC members and from members of the public. He did so with perfect aplomb and without making unattainable targets, showing that he had good grasp of future governance.

In contrast, the other candidate, Alan Leong, who had hoped to turn the tide in the losing battle he was fighting, was engaged in empty talks and sensationalism. His proposals sounded good but lacked substance. He talked about lofty visions that could never materialize. He was double-faced, making promises he could hardly be able to deliver. After the forum last night, it is clearer to Hong Kong people who is the right candidate for the CE post.

Leong started his opening speech with a story about a little girl's donation in support of his election campaign, and ended his presentation with an account of an old man telling him he hoped to have the right to vote in his lifetime.

Melodrama apart, his presentation did not reflect any thinking or commitment on his part in Hong Kong's economic and social progress.

When fielding questions, he mentioned the concept and vision of universal suffrage, but failed to provide any feasible proposal as to how consensus could be reached and universal suffrage achieved. He overlooked the fact that opposition legislators had voted en bloc against the democratic and progressive constitutional reform package, that society has not yet agreed upon a roadmap for realizing universal suffrage, and that the Basic Law has explicit provisions on constitutional development.

Leong was apparently well prepared for the "show" he had put up, but he was ignorant of how the government operates and functions. As a CE candidate, he was not aware of the distinction between foreign exchange reserve and fiscal reserve of the government and had a confused view about the two.

All governments strive to create a favorable environment for business and help investors seek business opportunities. Yet, when asked about this subject, Leong told an EC member that business opportunities are to be sought by investors themselves and government effort is not necessary. That shows his complete lack of concern for the business sector.

And he purported to have discussed with the ministries of commerce and justice over issues such as the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement, neglecting the efforts made by the SAR government and claiming all the credit.

The forum this time allowed the general public to see clearly which candidate was of higher capabilities and which is the right one for the SAR's top post in the upcoming five years. Hong Kong people are now more convinced that Tsang is a leader with vision, capability and commitment.

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