Premier Wen, S Korean president vow to boost ties

Updated: 2007-04-12 09:14


Visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has been greeted by South Korean President, Roh Moo-hyun. The two are promising to further bilateral ties and extend cooperation in all areas.

During Premier Wen's meeting with the South Korean president on Tuesday, the two leaders promised to strengthen strategic communication and promote mutually beneficial cooperation.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of bilateral ties between the two countries. Over this period, Premier Wen says the two countries have been deepening political trust. And also expanding exchanges and cooperation, as well as closely coordinating efforts as both countries deal with regional and international affairs.

Premier Wen, S Korean president vow to boost ties
Visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (L front) shakes hands with the Republic of Korea President Roh Moo-hyun during their meeting in Seoul, capital of the Republic of Korea, April 10, 2007. [Xinhua]

Premier Wen, S Korean president vow to boost ties

The two leaders agreed to make this year a turning point for even better relations. This, to benefit the peoples in both nations... and contribute to peace and development in northeastern Asia.

Premier Wen also outlined five proposals to push forward bilateral ties.

Firstly, the two countries should maintain high-level exchanges and cooperation between government authorities, legislative bodies and ruling parties. And also continue diplomatic negotiations and security dialogue.

Secondly, both countries should deepen economic cooperation. They should implement measures to boost mutually-beneficial trade and investment. And push forward the joint study of building a free trade area.

Thirdly, both sides should expand educational cooperation and communication between the youth of both countries. And the two countries should deepen their understanding, friendship and cooperation through the China-South Korea Exchange Year.

Fourthly, the two countries should step up cooperation and negotiation in regional and international affairs.

And finally, both sides should enhance mutual trust, understanding and support. China appreciates the South Korean government's support for the One-China policy.

Echoing Premier Wen Jiabao, President Roh Moo-hyun says that South Korea and China share the same goal of developing relations. And he believes that Premier Wen's visit will push bilateral ties to a higher level.

Roh stressed that South Korea welcomes China's economic development. He believes the two countries can develop together and have their common interests advanced through high-level cooperation and fair competition.

After the meeting, both leaders attended a signing ceremony on bilateral cooperation.

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