Chinese Americans vow to block Taiwan referendum plan

Updated: 2007-09-17 11:24

An organization representing Chinese Americans in Chicago called Sunday on overseas Chinese to join hands to block the Taiwan authorities' referendum plan for UN membership.

In their joint manifesto, the Chinese Americans in the Greater Chicago Region said "it is an international reality that there is no any viability for the so-called 'Taiwan independence' movement."

"Taiwan's Chen Shui-bian and Company, dogged by scandals, however, have chosen to purposely ignore the realism, challenge Beijing's tolerance and military resolve, continue to deceive Taiwan people and mislead them towards the abyss of war," said the statement.

"Chen's dangerous games of seeking cessation from China have been a joke in international community... A disenchanted US has finally realized Chen's overt and dangerous intentions and has tried to curb his ambition," the statement noted.

In an interview with Hong Kong's Phoenix TV last month, US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte warned against Taiwan's "provocative" referendum. In addition, White House National Security Council senior director for Asian Affairs Dennis Wilder has also categorically ruled out Taiwan as a nation.

On September 11, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Thomas J. Christensen, apparently frustrated by Chen's foolish but headstrong moves, called the referendum "ill-conceived and potentially quite harmful", urging Taiwan's "perceptive and intelligent citizens" to "make a sound judgment".

In July, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon rejected Taiwan's application for UN membership. Earlier in April, Chen also lost his bid to join the WHO, the statement noted.

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