The project objectives are to alleviate poverty in several of the poorest counties in Henan Province by increasing crop, livestock and fish production and productivity.
The project will: (a) improve and expand four Yellow River Diversion Schemes (YRDS) and sink 4,900 wells for conjunctive water use within the schemes;
(b) sink 8,900 wells and rehabilitate another 3,600 in areas outside the YRDSs;
(c) eliminate water logging and salinity problems by providing drainage and flood protection schemes;
(d) provide needed inputs;
(e) strengthen research and extension;
(f) increase efficiency of livestock production through better feed, breeds, and veterinary services;
(g) develop low-lying areas for fish production;
(h) invest in agroprocessing and agroindustry so as to utilize project outputs and by-products. The project will strengthen overall project management and environmental protection programs by providing equipment, technical assistance and training.