
Prosecutors appeal Chen sentence reduction

Updated: 2010-06-26 01:20
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TAIPEI - Prosecutors on Friday appealed to Taiwan's High Court following the corruption cases of ex-leader Chen Shui-bian and his family, saying the verdict for the second hearing didn't match their crimes.

On June 11, the High Court upheld Chen's conviction on graft charges but cut his life sentence to 20 years after his appeal.

Chen, 59, and his wife were both sentenced to life imprisonment by the Taipei District Court in September last year for corruption, embezzlement, money laundering and other abuses when he was in power from 2000 to 2008.

They were found to have embezzled 104 million New Taiwan dollars (3.15 million US dollars) in public funds.

According to local media, prosecutors reviewed the verdict document upon receiving it on June 15 and reached a decision that the verdict violated various laws and regulations.

Cases being appealed involve ten defendants including Chen and his wife.