Foreign and Military Affairs

Top legislator urges closer ties with French Parliament

Updated: 2011-04-28 00:33
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BEIJING - China's top legislator Wu Bangguo on Wednesday called on China and France to seek stronger parliamentary ties.

Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), the country's top legislature, held hour-long talks with visiting President of the National Assembly of France Bernard Accoyer in Beijing Wednesday.

Wu reviewed his visit to France last July when the NPC and French National Assembly launched their regular exchange of visits program.

Wu said the program ushered in a new era of bilateral parliamentary ties and enriched China-France comprehensive strategic partnership.

Accoyer, who was on his fourth visit to China, said Wu's visit was impressive to the French people and helped strengthen bilateral parliamentary relations.

Wu called on the two legislative bodies to share experience on state administration, legislation and supervision.

French National Assembly was willing to work with the NPC to deepen the two people's understanding and promote pragmatic cooperation in various areas, Accoyer said.

On the broader China-France relationship, Wu said the two countries should maintain high-level exchange of visits, properly address issues concerning each other's core interests, deepen political trust.

On the economic front, Wu said China and France had a solid foundation with companies aspiring to work together.

He called on the two countries to expand cooperation in new energy, new materials and environmental protection.

Accoyer said facts proved that stronger bilateral all-around cooperation served the interests of the two countries.

Accoyer said French and Chinese different political systems and cultural traditions would complement each other rather than be a hurdle to their cooperation.

Accoyer said France expected productive results from bilateral cooperation in nuclear, solar and wind power, aerospace, health care, culture and tourism.

They also discussed West Asian and North African situation, Europe's sovereign debts crisis and other issues of common concern.

The six-day China visit had taken Accoyer to ancient capital of Xi'an in Northwest China. He will also travel to southern Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and the financial hub of Shanghai.
