Foreign and Military Affairs

China urges Bosnia to implement peace agreement

Updated: 2011-05-10 10:55
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UNITED NATIONS - China on Monday called on Bosnia and Herzegovina to effectively implement Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement in the spirit of mutual understanding and compromise in order to promote national reconciliation.

The remarks came as Yang Tao, counselor of the Chinese Permanent Mission to the United Nations, took the floor at an open Security Council meeting on Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"We hope all ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina to proceed from the long-term interests of the country, in the spirit of mutual understanding and compromise, effectively implement Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement, settle their differences through dialogue and negotiations, enhance political mutual trust to promote national reconciliation," Yang said.

China looks forward to the forming of a broad-based new government in Bosnia and Herzegovina at an early date so that more progress could be made in various aspects of national reconstruction, he said.

Yang noted that China respects the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the development path chosen by all the people in the country.

"The future and destiny of Bosnia and Herzegovina is in the hands of all the people in the country whose right of self-determination should be duly respected," he said.

Meanwhile, the issue of Bosnia is very complex and sensitive, involving not only the country itself but also the lasting peace and stability of the entire Balkan region, Yang said.

China hoped "all the parties concerned to properly deal with relevant questions, in the spirit of dialogue, reconciliation and cooperation, avoid any escalation of tension and adopt effective measures to consolidate the positive results of the political process of Bosnia," Yang said.

China will continue to provide support and assistance in realizing lasting peace, stability and development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, he added.
