Foreign and Military Affairs

China urges int'l community's support to DRC

Updated: 2011-05-19 08:53
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UNITED NATIONS - Li Baodong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations on Wednesday called upon the international community to continue to provide practical support to the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Li made the remarks at a Security Council open debate on the situation of the DRC. "The general elections to be held in DRC in November will be a milestone in the country's political life. It is an arduous task to ensure the smooth conduct of the elections. Meanwhile, the country is also faced with considerable challenges such as maintaining national stability and promoting economic development, " he said, "The international community should continue to provide practical support to the government of the DRC. "

China called upon the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) and international partners to continue to provide financial and logistical support at the request of the DRC's government, Li said.

"We urge the relevant parties to respect the DRC's constitution and laws, the choice of the Congolese people, refrain from interfering in the internal affairs of the DRC so as to make sure the elections will be conducted smoothly and lay a solid foundation for realizing national reconsolidation and lasting peace," he said.

Li noted that the UN and international community should continue to support the DRC's government in its efforts to stabilize the country, provide training and equipment, assist accelerating reforms in security sector and complete buildup of police and military forces at an earlier date.

"We express our appreciation and support to MONUSCO's work in helping the DRC to realize peace and stability. Concerning the UN presence and future development in the DRC, the world body should continue to listen to and respect the opinion of the government of the DRC," Li said.

China also called on all parties concerned to help the DRC create a favorable environment for economic development, attract foreign and domestic investment, support the DRC in assuming ownership in actively exploring natural resources and convert the advantages in resources in advantages in development so that its people could enjoy the peace dividend as soon as possible.

"We also hope the countries concerned to strengthen cooperation and work together with the DRC's government in fighting against illegal exploration of natural resources by rebels," Li added.
